Thursday, October 13, 2005

Well, I have Mom Joanie now blogging and reading everyone else's blogs. That is good. This way we can all keep in touch.

I am really loving my day job. I get to solve problems all day long.

Today, though, I almost burned down the apartment complex. I put a hamburger on to cook and I was browning the buns. Well, I went back to the computer and forgot about them. Yep, the apartment was full of smoke and the smoke detector was going off. Boy do I feel stupid. I told Dave that I would not be cooking myself meals during the day anymore. My kids know that I am notorious for burning things, toast and such.

Good nite all......


Unknown said...

Your day job sure does suit you Deb!! So glad for you - just be careful in the kitchen!!!

Kari said...

Burnt toast is good, right? I remember you would eat the toast I burnt and I would make new toast.

Mindy Richmond said...

See, I always thought growing up that Mom liked burnt toast, but apparently it was just something she had to get used to. Kind of like me with coffee. I drink it slow so I got used to drinking it cold.

Deborah Ruthenberg said...

Well, I do like burnt toast (slightly brown) with lots of butter (not margarine), but the buns I burnt were well past black, they were charred to a crisp.