Friday, October 21, 2005

Guilt and sickness

I am feeling very guilty. I hate the fact that I cannot do my second job as well as they need me to do. They know that I am working at another job, but still I put this pressure on myself to keep doing a full-time amout of work. But I am falling short by a lot. And I hate every minute that I am working the second job. That is why I am typing this instead of transcribing reports.

Dave has a nasty cold and now my throat is feeling tingly and starting to get raspy. Yikes, there is nothing worse than two sick people in the same house with one bathroom and lots of work to do.


Brett said...

Second jobs need to be something light and easy... something you don't have to force yourself to do. They are for extra money and therefore need to be low stress.

Let them know you are just "helping them out" and they can decide whether they need it or not. I'm sure they would love to have a little extra help. Don't make them think you are a full-timer.

Just a suggestion. I know what it's like, but the above is how I think it "should" be. You shouldn't be feeling guilty... they should feel lucky to have any help you can give them. Let 'em know they come second and change your relationship with them.

Be happy. Don't get sick.

Deborah Ruthenberg said...

Thanks Brett. That is definitely what I am trying to do.

Unknown said...

Looks like you're taking on too much, Deb!! Brett gave you good advice. . Follow it, I know it's hard and don't feel one bit guilty.. Hope you are feeling better and that you don't wind up with what Dave has. . . Go to the Doctor if you need to, Let me know how you are doing. . .

Mindy Richmond said...

Yeah, I think you need to work less and relax more. Life is too short. And you can't get sick, because then who would take care of me when I get sick?