Monday, October 17, 2005

Ladybugs and cornfields

Has anyone ever heard of someone being allergic to ladybugs?  Do they bite?

The reason I ask is that I have developed spots were I was either bitten by a bug or I have hives.  My neck and face have a slight rash.  The football field that I went to this weekend had a ton of ladybugs flying around.

But on second thought, I think I am allergic to corn silk and stuff, and the football field was surrounded by cornfields.


Mindy Richmond said...

Maybe they were those evil fake ladybugs. You know, the faded red ones. They aren't really ladybugs, and they are poisonous, which is why there are always swarms of them.

Deborah Ruthenberg said...

They were kind of a orange color. No red. Are they really poinsonous?

Mindy Richmond said...

Well, they're not poisonous to humans. I just know that no critters around here will eat them, which is why there are more of them than the red ladybugs. Check out this article

Brett said...

I've never heard of ladybugs biting. I know they love aphids, though. You can buy ladybugs to put in your garden.

I can't say anything about colors. I've seen some ladybug-like bugs that are lighter in hue.

Perhaps it was a secondary plant growing amoung the cornstalks... a ragweed kind of thing. Fields are never pure.