Saturday, May 31, 2008

having a good day today

Thank goodness it is Saturday. Time to get things done and relax if possible. This is how my day has gone so far today. Sleep in past 8:00 a.m. (8:07?) Take a shower, get dressed. Have my chauffeur (Dave) drive me to Bob Evans where we consumed a good, but cheap breakfast. I had grits and a side of bacon. Then we came home to decide what we would do next. We opted for driving to the Erie Metro Park to hike the nature trail. We chose the 1 mile loop. We did that twice. I was completely worn out from that. On the drive home we made three stops. One to get a candy bar for me. Two to buy some hanging plants to put on our light post out front. Three, BabiesRus so that I could pick up a gift for the baby shower that I am going to tomorrow. Oh, and Dave stopped at the gas station to fill my tank for tomorrow. (Lordy gas is costly.)

Then when we got home, I went back out. First went to the farmer's market up the street and got two medium onions, one large zucchini, two parsnips, a bunch of bananas, 6 ears of corn, two plums, two oranges, one pink grapefruit ($5.81). I am going to keep going back there to get different vegetables. See if I can get more vegetables and fruit into our diet. Riley will eat some also.

Then I went to get a pedicure and manicure. It was relaxing.

Finally I did the grocery shopping. I think I forgot somethings. I need to make a better list.

Now Dave and I are watching the Wings hockey game. Hopefully they will win.

Tomorrow should be a nice day. Going to my sister's house. She is having a baby shower for her son and his wife. Kari will be there with her two kids and Mindy will be riding with me and bringing Luke. It will be fun.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

colorful blog design

My eccentric daughter very kindly allowed me to redesign her blog. It turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. I had a good time choosing the colors, working with her to get the right fonts, etc. Needless to say, Mindy is a tough client. She had very definite ideas and that was refreshing. I like to work with people who know what they want and can communicate it.

So if you like Mindy's blog and want to see more, check back and see what I do with my blog. Also, I am available for hire if you want to spice up your blog.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

eye twitching - update

I think I blogged about this. My right eye has been twitching. It started about a month ago and for a week it was kind of driving me crazy. Well, it had just about completely stopped twitching until yesterday. Yesterday, Formulawn came to fertilize the grass. (By the way, the yard is looking good, grass nice and green, healthy, and no weeds.) Well, they knocked on the door to ask me if we wanted the grub control, since it didn't look like it needed it. (We had put some grub control on last fall and maybe that helped.) They were spraying the lawn while they were talking to me. The smell was not very pleasant. I quickly went into the house and shut the door so that Riley wouldn't breathe the fumes.

Well, my eye started twitching. Now today my back and head are itching. My eye is still twitching. I just took some Zyrtec so hopefully the itching will go away.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Dave's comment on Dancing with the Stars

We are trying out this new website design. Dave was working on the website, checking out how the articles and pictures were uploaded. He was watching Dancing with the Stars with me, in between flipping back and forth to the Wings hockey game. I was checking out the website design on my laptop whenever he switched to the game. I checked it one last time and noticed the change he had made. (Headline and caption under picture - click on image for larger picture). He thinks he is so funny. It did crack me up because it was so unexpected.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

lifestyle change - ongoing

Dave and I are still working on our weight loss. It is frustrating because we have drastically reduced our intake and have been walking just about every day, and we are not seeing a lot of results. Don't get me wrong, we won't give up. But it does get discouraging.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

perfect pizza - maybe

This might be my best attempt at homemade pizza. I used a thin crust recipe. The crust was delicious. (click on picture to enlarge and see the crust detail.)