Thursday, October 20, 2005

Keeping in touch

I called all my fathers today.  I have three right now.  I get behind keeping in touch with them.  My dad is feeling good he says.  My call put him behind on his daily morning bike ride.  His doctors are watching his eyesight just in case the tumor on his pituitary gland grows and starts causing him blindness.  He also has a cyst on his kidney, but has had that for a while and it doesn't seem to cause any problems.  He is sort of mad at his girlfriend because she is going to stay with her daughter for a week and did not invite him along.  He is also upset that none of his kids come and see him.  

Ken is feeling a little better, in that he isn't anemic any longer.  But he has an aortic aneurysm that might need to be surgically taken care of.  He has lost 20 pounds and is on a diet, exercises, and other therapies.

Dave's Dad just had two stents put in his arteries to his heart.  He is doing okay, but probably needs to rest a little more before galavanting around town.

Dave is fighting a cold.  Mostly he is coughing.  He has a tight, wheezy cough.  I hope that he starts feeling better soon.  


Kari said...

Sounds like everyone is doing, well okay. It's good to hear Ken has lost a few pounds and is doing well.
Your dad sounds like the same guilt trip man, it has been a while since I've seen him. I guess at your apartment that one time.
I'm glad to hear everthing is okay with Les. He doesn't seem like a man you can keep down long. It's a good thing.
Tell Dave to drink some oj and sleep. :)

Unknown said...

Sorry about Ken. Hope he will be okay and that he takes care of himself. . . Sounds like he is trying to do better. That anuyerism needs to be dealt with, though.