Sunday, October 02, 2005

Saturday College Football & bye bye birdies

I had a great time at the Eastern Michigan game yesterday. Kari and Mark were able to come for the tailgating and the game. I feel so bad for Mark, with his back hurting as bad as it does. But I think they had fun. At least we had chair back seats for them. Dave and I went down to the field for some of the game, well most of the game. But we spent time with K & M before and after the game.

Then after dinner and K & M went home, Dave and I went over the Al Fellhauer's house. We needed to set up the logistics of the radio show that Dave and Al will be hosting next Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. It will be live on and then will be archived. The archive might be on

Today, two people from the Rainbow Feathers bird club came to pick up the two parakeets. They think they have someone to take the parakeets. I feel bad that we had to give them up, but they were driving us insane in this small apartment and with me working from home. I think they are going to a good home.

Why did I get the birds in the first place? I will detail that in the next blog, as Dave is having me work on the MAC Report Online stuff right now. We have a lot of stuff to do with that and my radiology transcription accounts wants me to transcribe reports tonight if I can because the weekend transcriptionist's dad is in the hospital.

Hope this was interesting to someone...... more later.


Brett said...

Of course it was interesting to someone! In our busy lives, we as family rarely have a chance to share our "daily" lives with each other any more. The small stuff, minute details that we don't think to mention in a phone call or over holiday gatherings. Thats what blogging is for, as I see it. I love the pictures too.

Mindy Richmond said...

The MAC website is looking great! I wish I were into sports so I could enjoy it more. I've tried, but it takes too much brain power.