Sunday, January 27, 2008


I had the awesome opportunity to see both Luke and Charly this weekend. Kari needed someone to watch Charly overnight on Saturday night, so Mindy and I offered to take her. I thought it would be nice to see both grandkids and Mindy and I could both help each other to take care of both kids. I went to Mindy's on Saturday and she and I and Luke went to Marshall to meet Kari and Mark and Charly. Then on Sunday, I took Charly back to Kari and Mark, meeting them in Jackson. It was a lot of fun hanging out at Mindy's with her and Luke and Charly. Both kids are so much fun. I love that Luke is so mellow. Charly wasn't any trouble at all, but definitely has a mind of her own.

Friday, January 25, 2008

soft socks

Such a simple thing, but I love soft socks. A few years ago, I bought a bunch of socks that looked soft. They were mail order socks, the kind that come every 6 weeks. I ended up with way too many socks, so I was forced to wear the socks and keep wearing the socks until they were all worn out. They weren't as soft as I would have liked. My feet get cold and have dry skin, and rough socks are not pleasant to wear. But I have been wearing those socks, until now. I finally thought I was ready to buy some new socks. I found some really nice soft socks. They are golden toe socks from JCPenney. I am wearing them now. They are soooo comfy.

drastic changes

I colored my hair tonight. It is very blonde. Almost the same color as when I was little. Well, maybe not, but it is a lot lighter than it was. Just thought I would warn people who haven't seen me lately.

Dave will be in for a big surprise when gets home from the high school basketball game tonight. A different woman will be in his home. lol

Update: Dave is home and hasn't said anything about my hair. I wonder how long it will take him to notice.

1 hour and 30 minutes so far.

Update: I finally told Dave. He said he was sorry for not noticing. But both Mindy and Kari said it wasn't that different, even though I thought it was.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

detroit's mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick

Well, it looks like the mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick, has been found to have lied during the trial when two police officers sued the city of Detroit for falsely firing them. Supposedly they were investigating an affair between the mayor and his chief of staff. Both the mayor and the chief of staff had vehemently denied that they had an affair. But the text messages from the chief of staff's city owned pager have finally been released to the press. The text messages show that they were definitely having an affair. What a slime.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

dry skin

My skin is so dry. When I put lotion on, it just pushes the dry skin scales around and doesn't soak in. The outside of my calves seem to be the worse part. Dry, scaly, and itchy. Oh my, don't you love the cold weather?

better and better

Okay, I am optimistic that I am getting better. My voice is still hoarse and cracks, but the coughing is greatly decreased.

Sunday I met Brett, Kari and Mindy for my birthday dinner at Red Lobster. I love seafood and I don't get to eat it much because Dave doesn't like it. We had salmon, crab legs, and seafood pasta. Luke came with Mindy, so I was able to see how much he had grown and changed. I hope to see Charly soon. But it was good to spend time with my three kids.

I called Dave's Aunt Emily today. I wanted to call her sooner, as her birthday is Jan 12 and mine is Jan 15. She understood, especially since my voice still isn't good. She is doing okay. She is feeling her age.

My dad called on the 16th to wish me happy birthday. He is doing pretty good. I think he gets a little down because his friend/partner Inky passed away in late December. He said he was even more down because he has been playing cards and he hasn't been lucky playing cards at all. I think he plays bridge.

My sister called on the 15th and she is doing good. I couldn't talk long because I was still feeling too bad and couldn't talk very well.

I quit my second job. It was really too much stress and it has been nice for the last two days only dealing with one job. I do want to work extra working on websites for people. So if any one knows of someone who wants help with their website, send them my way. I have to potential clients waiting in the wings. I am just waiting to hear back from them when they have the information that I requested.

Dave is working tonight - listening to the Eastern Michigan/Toledo basketball game on the web and watching the Central Michigan/Western Michigan basketball game on the television so that he can write his sports exchange post game articles that are due 90 minutes after each game. Tomorrow night he will be watching the Miami game. He has been updating our website,, and turned in a lot of CD reviews for Living Blues. So he is keeping very busy. He does more things, but I can't remember them all. Those are the ones that I remember.

Well, that is what has been happening.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

can't talk

Seven days of hoarseness and raspiness. Well, most people might be glad that I can't talk, but it is causing me a lot of problems. It is hard to work effectively.

One person said I sounded like I had a sex change. They didn't want to talk to me very long.

Another person said that I sounded sexy. Spooky.

Kari said I needed to start singing "smelly cat" (reference to Friends)

Another client said he didn't want to talk to me any longer because I sounded like I was in pain.

I can't call Dave's Aunt Emily to tell her Happy Birthday because she probably wouldn't be able to understand me or even know who I was.

I can't call my dad to see how he is doing because he probably wouldn't be able to hear me.

I need to rest my voice, but I have to work also.

Oh, well, maybe tomorrow it will be better.....

Thursday, January 10, 2008

thank you husband

As most of you know I have a cold right now. When I get a cold it is not pretty. There is a lot of coughing and other nasty noises coming from me. I am also grumpy when I have a cold because it usually makes it hard to breath and that seems to be an important function tied to living. So when you can't breath people get testy.

Well, my husband probably didn't think he would have to deal with this when he married me. But he does a good job of ignoring me when I cough and stuff. He has gotten us supper for the last two nights, run to the store and generally been there when I needed him. When I was having a particularly bad time of breathing and coughing, he held me and patted my back and told me it was going to be okay.

It is so nice to have a husband like Dave. Thank you Dave for all you do.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

politics - Hillary Clinton

Why would I want to vote for a woman to be president? Especially Hillary Clinton. If by some chance, (God forbid) she becomes president, she and Bill will be in the White House. Now, women out there, do you really believe that Bill will not have anything to do with "running the country"? Do we really want to reelect Bill? Bill and Hillary did so well the first time? Please.

If I wanted to vote for a woman to be president, I would vote for Condoleezza Rice. That is a woman who has integrity.