Wednesday, March 07, 2007

first bb game at the Q

Well, I am at press row and watching the EMU/Ball State BB game. Six minutes left and EMU is ahead. They played BSU twice before and beat them. I hope they beat them again. EMU hasn't gotten past this point in many years.

But now BSU is catching back up. It is now a 7 point game.

Now 2 minutes to go, only a 4-point game. Dang, EMU might lose this game. BSU looked apathetic until the last few minutes.

1:27 minutes - still 4- point game, EMU ahead

21.6 seconds - 50/48 EMU......if they can just do good defense.

13 seconds - 50/48 EMU ....Eastern at the freethrow line. Bowdry, who is 2 for 2 for freethrows.

Yeah! EMU 51, BSU 48. That is so cool.

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