Thursday, March 08, 2007

2nd day at the Q - third game - CMU vs Akron

Wow, it is crazy here. The game is just getting ready to start. There are many, many Akron Zips fans. CMU didn't travel too badly. It is really noisy here. There are still two more days of games, and it will just be getting louder and louder each game.

So far it is a close game. 17-14 Zips.

29-21 Zips, it has been this score for a long time. Oops, spoke too soon. Zips scored another 2-pointer.

33-25....losing interest. It isn't a bad game, but I think I am getting burned out. Tomorrow there will be two women's games and then in the evening, two men's games.

39-28 Akron Zips at the half.

Been showing pictures of granddaughter and Riley to anyone that would look at them. Now, I will watch the dance teams perform.

Four minutes into the second half and it is 47-30 Zips. It is hard to keep my mind on the game. At the half, some of the fans were asking who is going to win the tournament. I am ashamed to say that I don't even know that much about it. I just watch and enjoy the games.

Well, I predict that the Zips will win. Think I will publish this.

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