Tuesday, March 13, 2007

life is crazy

You know, sometimes you have to have faith that what you are doing is the right thing. I fluctuate back and forth between being adventurous and doing the safe thing. Sometimes I think; "Life is about trying new things, expanding your horizons, trying to fulfill your dreams." Other times, I think; "Who am I to think I can do this? I am no better than anyone else. Why do I think I deserve more or something better?"

Sometimes I feel like Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde. Maybe I am crazy. But no, I know I am not, because if I was, I wouldn't think I was crazy. Right?

So, right now I am in the pessimistic mood and want to get out of it and get back in the optimistic mood. I know that I need to sleep more so I feel better. I also need to lose weight. Dave and I have been putting on the pounds during the winter. Like hibernating bears, we need to lumber out into the sunshine and start walking and exploring our world again. Today is a perfect day for that.

1 comment:

Kari said...

I know what you mean about the going back and forth between safe and adventurous. But, I think its much better to go back and forth than be strictly one or the other. I like to think I take some gambles, but also try and keep a level head about some things.
A few words of wisdom that I like...
"You'll never know if you don't try."
"You can't expect things in your life to change without changing yourself."
"Experiences and memories are the only things you can take with you to your grave"
"Don't borrow trouble"
"Forgive and forget"
I'm sure there is more, but I'm drawing a blank.