Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My mother

Yesterday was the anniversary of my mother's death, 11 years ago. It doesn't seem that long ago, and I still miss her. I don't feel like she and I were very close, but she was there whenever I had an emergency and needed her. She had a lovely smile and seemed to genuinely like people. I don't think there was a mean bone in her body.


Mindy Richmond said...

I miss her too. She passed away too early. Just when I was getting old enough to really get to know her, she was gone. I will always remember her gift of hospitality. She loved having a house full of family, she was a great hostess and an excellent cook! I have so many great memories of the time we spent at her house.

Kari said...

I miss her too. She didn't have a mean bone in her body. She may have had the infamous sigh, but she was sooo generous. I think even then I found it a bit endearing.