Saturday, April 01, 2006

April Fooled

Dave was checking out his MAC bulletin board and he found that it had been hacked. The website that came up instead of the bulletin board had a name on it. George P. Burdell. I looked up the name and found out that this person is the oldest and greatest student of Georgia Tech. He has shown up in history for the last seventy years.

Well, when I told Dave that he mentioned that the person that runs the bulletin board is a Georgia Tech graduate. Then when he tried to get back into the website, the site said, "Sucker". It was an April Fool's Joke. It fooled Dave.

The George P. Burdell story is quite it is:

Has anyone else heard of George P. Burdell?


Kari said...

Ha ha!!!

Unknown said...

Never heard of him!!! What a prank!!