Tuesday, April 25, 2006

brain fog

I get frustrated sometimes, because I have fleeting thoughts, which I think are very profound and yet, when I try to sit down to write them down....they disappear or don't seem as profound.

I have moments when I would like to write about my experiences in my life or my thoughts on living, but again, when I sit down at the computer, but brain gets foggy. Is there a something trying to tell me not to write? Maybe the fog will lift later in my life? Do I have too much running around in my head? Is there a way to life the fog?

Quotes I like.

Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over gain, and you will grow stronger until have accomplished a purpose - not the one you began with perhaps, but one you'll be glad to remember.” Ben Stein

Try and fail, but don't fail to try.” Unknown.


Kari said...

I like this one ~ "If you can't be a good example, than you'll just have to be a horrible warning".

Sorry, i saw that in an e-mail and it just made me laugh. I can't relate in some ways.

Keep trying to write, some of us would really like to hear what your thoughts are.
You can try my method of writing... Pajamas, closed door, no radio or TV, pad of paper, favorite pen or pencil, and a large bottle of wine. Half way through the bottle I can't write fast enough. And my thoughts come out both profound and "informative".

Deborah Ruthenberg said...

I will have to try that.

Brett said...

I ge those lucid moments of profundity as well, but never seem to capture them. Like you, it feels like something is pecking at the shell of my brain, trying to get out. I also feel like time and life experience will eventually release whatever is trying to get out.

Mindy Richmond said...

I usually get these profound-thoughts-worth-writing-down while I'm in the car. So as you can imagine, it's pretty tough to safely write them down. I should invest in a tape recorder.

Deborah Ruthenberg said...

Or Mindy you can get a digital handheld recorder (49.99) and then upload the dictation to the computer, and then using speech recognition have the computer transcribe your thoughts.