Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Lately I have been noticing how you cannot believe half or even a quarter of what you hear in the news. I never used to watch the news, but now that I am home more, I do catch some of it. But you only hear what they want you to hear. The local news will make a big deal about a news story, but then you never hear the final outcome of the story.

1 comment:

Brett said...

The Media (plural) has a responsibility to report accurately, but they are also businesses out for a profit. Everything will be brief and sensationalized and if the outcome of something isn't worth making a big to-do about, they'll just drop it for the next possible scandal.

I don't even watch TV news anymore. I stick to radio and online stuff. One day I read the same story about the president as reported by AP, USAToday.com, CNN.com and FOXNews.com. It's astounding how you can be left with completely different impressions on a situation just by what facts the writer chooses to stress and how (s)he chooses to present them.

We should always be wary of what we digest when being spoon-fed.