Monday, January 02, 2006

mumble, mumble, blather, blather

Well, I am just about footballed out. If I don't have a vested interested in the game, it is hard for me to watch it on TV.

We had a good, quiet New Years. Not sure what the new year will hold, but I am hoping that Dave is able to get a job in the sports writing field or our website take off and get going making enough money to either break even or even make a decent income. Maybe have the internet radio program become syndicated. That would be awesome.

I am still having some health problems. I am suppose to be using Advair twice a day, but I think that I have developed a yeast infection in my mouth from it. So I haven't been using it. My cough and breathing seem to be okay. Not perfect, bu okay. I am done with the Prednisone for now, which I am glad for because I was getting that puffy look in the face that comes with taking steroids. But I have tenderness in the region of my adam's apple and my ears feel like there might be slight inflammation in them.

Trying to grow my hair sort of long - but with my fat (steroid induced) face, it is not looking good.

Dave and I went to the grocery store today together. He wants to get back on the diet where he lost so much weight. I will also try to follow his diet, also. I am going to keep drinking more water (bottled, because I hate tap water). I am going to exercise with Dave. And I am going to try to meditate.

I am sorry that I didn't call anyone for New Years. I hope everyone had a wonder full weekend.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Meditation or yoga is a great way to help heal your body. Even though I got tired of yoga in Chicago, I still get the urge, usually when I'm feeling cruddy, to do a headstand or a couple of downward dogs.
I still have a routine on paper if you want to look at it. Yoga also teaches you to breathe. People don't always realize that they are not breathing correctly and it does take a lot of practice. Breathing and water...natures healers.
I hope you start feeling better, and maybe be able to get off some of those drugs, sometimes doctors will just prescribe another drug to try and get rid of the symptoms of the previous drug, and so on and so on.

Good luck, and I'm glad to hear you had a good New Year!