Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Darn it, darn it, darn it. I completed my ten days of antibiotics on Monday. Today, started coughing my fool head off again. Went to the doctor. Running a fever, still hears noise in my lungs. Got a chest x-ray, don't know what the results are yet. Probably will find out tomorrow. I was suppose to work tonight, but I think I will have to quit starting today. I know, I know. You all have told me that I should. But I am stubborn, but obviously my body is trying to tell me something.


Unknown said...

Yes, your body is definitly trying to tell you something... Do listen to it . . Glad you went back to the Doctor. Let us know the results of your chest xray. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, and stay on your honeymoon for always . . .

Kari said...

Darn it, darn it, darn it,...so that's more than a dane and a half, right?
Sorry you're still not feeling good, but yes this is true, sometimes it's your body telling you to slow down. Reduce stress.
Call if you need anything.

Deborah Ruthenberg said...

dang and a half is different than a darn it, darn it, darn it. dang and a half is when something unexpected and out of your control happens to you and you don't want to swear in front of your kids. darn it, darn it, darn it is when you have done something stupid, but still sort of out of your control and you don't want to swear in front of the whole world, as in a blog. You probably are already finding that you need to make up new words when Nate is around. Haven't you?

Deborah Ruthenberg said...

dang and a half is different than a darn it, darn it, darn it. dang and a half is when something unexpected and out of your control happens to you and you don't want to swear in front of your kids. darn it, darn it, darn it is when you have done something stupid, but still sort of out of your control and you don't want to swear in front of the whole world, as in a blog. You probably are already finding that you need to make up new words when Nate is around. Haven't you?

Kari said...

Yeah, I can't think of anything specific right now though. My friend Cindy says "sugar jets". I think you said that too. Sometimes I say "oh fiddlestix". I don't know it's all just bologna anyway. :)