Thursday, November 10, 2005


Well, Dave and I went to a new doctor this evening. The other doctor was too far away, he had crappy hours and he was a brat. I didn't like the fact that he always was having Dave and I come back in three months. It was like if we didn't come back in three months, he wouldn't be able to keep his practice in business. Anyway, I found a clinic nearby that had evening hours and Saturday hours. They had more than one physician. And they accepted our insurance. We were both scheduled to see the same physician, a woman, a D.O., internal medicine physician. We got to the clinic and were greeted with a friendly receptionist. Within minutes, we were called in to the exam room. The assistant was friendly also and she was fairly efficient in taking our blood pressures, weight, and medication history. Then the physician promptly came into the room. She was not put off that we both were being seen for the first time. Dave explained that he was just establishing himself with her as a new patient explaining that he has a condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia, very well controlled, as long as he takes his medications regularly. She seemed to know what CAH was, so that was good. I explained that I had been sick for about 4 weeks with the same thing that I had last year at this time and also again in May of last year. She said she heard crackles in all my lung fields, but I was not running a fever. I guess I had some fluid in my ears also. She prescribed antibiotics and cough medicine. The cool thing was that she put all the medication orders on the computer in the exam room and then submitted the orders to the Walgreens pharmacy immediately. The prescriptions would be ready when we got to the pharmacy, as a fax was sent to them and they would fill the order. She also put in an order for lab work for Dave to be done when ever he had time in 4-6 weeks. I love the technology. Our previous physician was in the dark ages. He hand wrote all his notes and didn't have a transcriptionist. Archaic! I think this will be a good change.

Also, I should be starting to feel better quicker with the antibiotics. Dave will be glad, he is getting tired of the coughing. Me too.


Mindy Richmond said...

That's great that you were able to find another doctor. Most don't ever have experiences that positive at the doctor's office. Half the experience is the competency of the staff, not just the doctor (learned that when I was going blind last year). I hope you both get better soon!!

Kari said...

It's so nice to have a doctor that puts you at ease. Most people already go in to the doctor with enough tension.
I enjoy my baby doctor. I don't look forward to having to see the other doctor's in the office. I've become very comfortable with the one I have been seeing.
The one thing I like is that he seems to remember me every time. And he seems to know how I feel. My last doctor, it was like I had to introduce myself each time. All they have to do is read the chart before they come in the room!