Tuesday, February 28, 2006

gas station

While getting gas at the local gas station, a red car pulls up across from me. There is a heavy bass beat eminating from the car. In fact that is what makes me look at the car in the first place. The overwhelming bass pulsating the air around the gas pumps. The car is a beautiful cherry red, long, four door, white top, possibly a cadillac? The wheels are chrome and gold with the gold part of the hubcab spinning. The car looks like it is breathing, the bass whoofers vibrating inside.

I wait for the driver to emerge from the car. I assume that the driver will be a black male, probably dressed very nicely in a suit or even a Nike jogging outfit. Probably a tall male, possibly football player size. But as the driver door slowly opens, I am surprised to see a tall blonde, slightly heavyset woman exit the vehicle.

1 comment:

Brett said...

It's funny how stereotypical norms paint the expected picture for us. And it's funny how when the actual picture doesn't resemble the expected we raise an eyebrow.

And I raise an eyebrow here, because I have never understood the necessity of tricking out a car in such a way and blaring bass for the benefit of my local three-block radius... and I guess I wouldn't question the "compulsion" from 6'5" 300 lbs black man in a Nike jogging suit because that is what TV has told me to expect.

But I can't explain it.