Monday, February 13, 2006

scratchy throat update

Well, I have been sleeping on the couch, so as not to bother Dave at night. I am taking all my asthma medications, increasing the inhaler, and drinking lots of fluids (mostly water, Kari). I hope to have this "cold" just run its course as any normal cold would. I am crossing my fingers that this will not go the course of the last cold.

I don't want to call the pulmonologist because she will tell me that I got sick again because we still have the lovebird. But I really do not think that is it. What happened is that I sprayed the shower curtain with mildew remover and didn't wear my surgical mask. I think I have a reaction to certain chemicals.

Well, enough of this silliness. Let me see if I can figure out something else to talk about.


Kari said...

You will feel better in 2 days, I promise. :)

Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling much better, Deb!!