Saturday, February 04, 2006

one more thing

I forgot. Last night we went to see our friend Mike Katon and his band. He was playing at the Northfield Roadhouse. We didn't get a chance to really talk to Mike, but his drummer Johnny came and sat with us during the breaks. He is always fun to talk to. He is a construction worker in his real life and an awesome drummer when he can fit in. The band, minus Johnny, since he has to work, will be going to Europe on Tour. Katon's band is pretty big in Europe. Another drummer will be taking Johnny's place (Johnny Bee). But Johnny was telling stories about some of their escapades in Europe that had us laughing until we almost fell off our chairs. I still chuckle when I think about it.

Dave sent Mike an email and this is Mike's response.

Hey Dave & Debbie,
Thanks for coming last night!...It was good to see you...I wish I could have talked to you a little more but we never took another break!...I think the last set was over two hours! We got some shows soon after we get back from touring...I haven't posted them yet but check my site and you can see when they are.....Are you ever gonna have a 'Blues Site/Mag' again?....I always though you were a good writer and honest reviewer man!...........It would be cool if you could do something in that capacity again.....
The drummer that is going on tour with me'Johnny Bee Badanjek's son is the publisher of 'Real Detroit' mag....maybe I could make a connection there to see if they need a new columnist something...Let me know what ya think.......Later Gator (and Gatorette)

We hadn't seen Mike in almost a year and so it was nice to be able to see him perform again. So now our ears are ringing still. Mindy and Joanie, do you remember when you heard him at the Beats and Eats Festival? If you want a brief taste of his style of music, go to and you will hear a small clip of Rip It Hard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, I sure do remember The "Arts Beats and Eats" Gig. I enjoyed it even though my ears were ringing for some time afterwards! I also visited the Mike's website. He sure seems to be doing well. Glad you and Dave enjoyed him. .