Sunday, December 04, 2005

The weekend so far

I took my daughter's advice and "puttered" yesterday. I thought I wouldn't be able to because Dave was home and he usually has something planned for us. He wanted to write a couple of articles for the website. I was able to take my time and vacuum and dust and reorganize a little bit the living and dining rooms. I still have more to do, but feel better that I accomplished that much. I was even able to watch two Lifetime movies. Something that is unheard of when Dave is home. He is better at realizing that I need to watch my programs sometimes.

We then went out to eat and did some shopping for Xmas gifts. I am way ahead of schedule on buying gifts for Xmas. This is because of my daughter's wonderful idea to use EasyGiftExchange. I used to have such a problem trying to find something to buy for my sons-in-law and my children, not knowing what they have already and what they want.

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