Tuesday, January 22, 2008

better and better

Okay, I am optimistic that I am getting better. My voice is still hoarse and cracks, but the coughing is greatly decreased.

Sunday I met Brett, Kari and Mindy for my birthday dinner at Red Lobster. I love seafood and I don't get to eat it much because Dave doesn't like it. We had salmon, crab legs, and seafood pasta. Luke came with Mindy, so I was able to see how much he had grown and changed. I hope to see Charly soon. But it was good to spend time with my three kids.

I called Dave's Aunt Emily today. I wanted to call her sooner, as her birthday is Jan 12 and mine is Jan 15. She understood, especially since my voice still isn't good. She is doing okay. She is feeling her age.

My dad called on the 16th to wish me happy birthday. He is doing pretty good. I think he gets a little down because his friend/partner Inky passed away in late December. He said he was even more down because he has been playing cards and he hasn't been lucky playing cards at all. I think he plays bridge.

My sister called on the 15th and she is doing good. I couldn't talk long because I was still feeling too bad and couldn't talk very well.

I quit my second job. It was really too much stress and it has been nice for the last two days only dealing with one job. I do want to work extra working on websites for people. So if any one knows of someone who wants help with their website, send them my way. I have to potential clients waiting in the wings. I am just waiting to hear back from them when they have the information that I requested.

Dave is working tonight - listening to the Eastern Michigan/Toledo basketball game on the web and watching the Central Michigan/Western Michigan basketball game on the television so that he can write his sports exchange post game articles that are due 90 minutes after each game. Tomorrow night he will be watching the Miami game. He has been updating our website, macreportonline.com, and turned in a lot of CD reviews for Living Blues. So he is keeping very busy. He does more things, but I can't remember them all. Those are the ones that I remember.

Well, that is what has been happening.

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