Sunday, October 21, 2007

emptying the dishwasher

I hate to empty the dishwasher. I don't really know why. I would rather wash the dirty dishes that are piling up (because the dishwasher is full with clean dishes) than put away the clean dishes. I am okay with puttting away the plates. The cups seem to be a little more of a problem for me. But I really get hung up at the silverware. I noticed that if I do one section at a time, first the plates, then the glasses, then the cups, I do better. But the silverware is a jumbled mess that just makes me want to go back to watching TV or reading my book. The spoons, forks, knives and spatulas are all jumbled together. It would be nice if there was a spot for each of those. All the spoons in one section of the silverware basket, all the forks in another. I did find that if I empty one section at a time that it works a little better for me. Does anyone else have this same problem?

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