Sunday, February 01, 2009


Starting a resolution. I will walk at the Activity Center every day that I can. There is an church across the street from our apartment complex (about two blocks away) where we can walk on a track and use exercise equipment (if we want to). They open at 7 a.m. and close at 9 p.m. most days. I am going to try to walk first thing in the morning. I am already. I bought a 2 gb MP3 player and loaded it with music to walk to. I think I have the right shoes. We will see how much my feet hurt afterwards. The track seemed to have a shock absorbing type of material on it, so that should help. I have to walk 15 times around the track for a mile. I might have to get a counter or something, or just make sure that I walk for 30 minutes or so.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Good luck!!:)