Friday, September 01, 2006

drifting apart - well not really

Well, I am not sure how I feel about this. Dave went to the first MAC football game of the season without me. He took time off of work, drove to Muncie, IN and stayed overnight. Part of me enjoys the time alone. Part of me wonders if he doesn't need me anymore. I know that couples are suppose to have things they do separate from each other, but so far I haven't developed any friends separate from Dave and no activities that I do on my own, except grocery shopping and getting my hair and nails done.

Actually, I am not sure I want to develop new girlfriends. I have my family to tend to and Dave, and sometimes when you have other friends, they take up more time. But it does seem a litle lopsided. Dave has friends from work, and friends from his fantasy football league, family, and friends from the MAC. I am just "the wife" that tags along.

Actually, I probably couldn't have gotten off of work to go to the game. But I never like to be left out of fun things. This is a left over feeling from childhood. I get jealous whenever someone gets to do something that I don't get to do. Yet, it doesn't bother me when I get to do things someone else doesn't get to do. I remember that it made me feel a little better if someone went away somewhere that I couldn't go, if they brought be back something. Like if my mom went to the store without me, I wanted her to at least bring me back something. Guess what. I still have that childish wish. So if Dave brings me back something (even if it is a candy bar or a plastic football - well maybe not that), then I will feel a little better. Geesh, do we ever grow up?

Okay, I have to update this post. I was a little off balance. Things are back to status quo. The air has been cleared. More communication will take place in the future and I will be taking my medication more regularly. (just kidding). But seriously, things are all better.

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