Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dear God letter

Dear God,

Thanks for creating me. Not sure why you did, but I hope to know more later. It is kind of hard not knowing what your big plan is for me. I think I have figured somethings out already. I hope I am right. For instance, I pretty much have it figured out that we are put on earth to learn lessons. Or to help others learn lessons. It seems very complicated, because I never know when I am learning a lesson or I am helping someone else to learn a lesson. Maybe a little of both.

I did want to know though: Are we humans suppose to be bugging other humans about what to believe and what not to believe? Or are we suppose to be paying more attention to our own beliefs and our relationship with you? The reason I ask is that I have had so many people try to tell me that I am not going to go to heaven because I don't believe the way they do. They try to push their ideas on me, saying that the Bible backs them up in this. It is almost like they need me to think the way they do so that they can feel good about their beliefs. The ones that really get to me are the ones that say that they are "Christians" and that they love me, and then in the next breath or behind my back, they say mean and hurtful things about me or other people. What kind of Christian is that? I don't get it.

I tend to want to stay away from people who are always telling me how to run my own life, but yet they don't seem to be able to run their own lives. Well, maybe I need to pray for them. It seems that they like to "control" other people because they don't seem to be able to control their own lives.

They think the devil lives inside of me because I don't believe exactly how they believe or because I have made mistakes in my life. Mistakes are how we learn things in life. We make a lot when we are young. Oh boy, do we. But the mistakes are how we form our beliefs and learn life's lessons.

The funny thing is that I feel this need to "preach" to them what my beliefs are, as if that will change their minds. So then I am doing the same thing back to them. When I feel the temptation to preach, I instead look inside myself and ask over again what do I believe? Does it feel true and right? If so, then I don't need to tell anyone. My actions and words and deeds will reflect my beliefs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really, really dislike it when people preach to you and tell you that you will not make it to heaven if you don't believe as they do. Control is their motive! I would just ignore them and hold true to my own beliefs . . .