Friday, December 15, 2006

sleepless in dearborn heights

Yep, I am sleepless again. Not sure what causes it. Too much sugar, caffeine, not enough exercise, too many thoughts? Could be any of those things, but I am not willing to make any changes, so I have to put up with the sleeplessness.

Watched The Office. Michael the office manager creeps me out. The Validity Committee was a riot, the marking the girlfriend was funny, and the CIA running gag was priceless.

>>You have been compromised>>Abort mission>>Destroy phone - Dwight is a dork.

Looking forward to 12/23. All the family coming to the house. It will be a "real" Christmas as a family in a long time. What movie should we watch and tear apart? Maybe we should watch Princess Bride and give Grandma Joannie and Grandpa Les a taste of the McMillan/Selleck sense of humor.


Mindy Richmond said...

Hmmm... Princess Bride is a great idea! I think one of us has it on DVD but I'll bring my VHS just in case.

Brett said...

I've got it on DVD. I'll bring it, just in case it's needed.

Unknown said...

Loved the pictures!!!