Friday, October 09, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize

What the ****? Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize? The world has turned topsy turvy. What has he done to promote peace? He has turned the US into a total state of chaos. There is unrest everywhere. The US dollar in the world is now a joke. He has made the US a laughing stock to the other world leaders. In fact, I am sure there are multiple plots to attack the US because our enemies now think that the US is weak and ineffectual and that we are on a downward slide both economically and politically.

I do have one idea. Obama could take the $1 million that he will be getting from receiving this award and give it back to the government to decrease the deficit. I know it is a drop in the bucket, but it would be a sign he wants to actually start decreasing the deficit.

Instead, my fear is that people will think that he now has more money to "give away", just like they thought in Detroit, where 3500 people stood in line to get money from "Obama's stash".

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