Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lazy Saturday

Well, I am having a slightly lazy Saturday. Dave is busy writing articles for Blue Ribbon YearBook and then he probably will have to start on his CD reviews for Living Blues. I left about 8:30 this morning to give blood. The Red Cross had been calling and calling me to see if I would give, as there is quite a blood shortage right now in the Detroit area. It seemed like it took forever to fill that pint and now I am feeling more weak that usual after giving blood. So I am just sitting around, reading a book, and intermittently popping up and doing a little bit of housework. I have cleaned the tub and sink in the bathroom, done 1 load of laundry and have two more to do. I want to put some nail polish on my nails and do some other little chores also. I am also feeling a little out of my element, since I have the website done and don't have too much more to do with that. I did want to set up a better photo gallery if I can.

Well, that's about it for now. More later maybe.

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