I am still trying to stick to the lifestyle change. We went on a walk today. Drove to the Lake Erie Metropark. It gets so boring walking around the neighborhood. Plus the sidewalks seem to make my joints hurt more. Walking along the nature trails at the Metroparks really feels so much better, but you sometimes are surprised by wild life. Two deer were scared off by us walking by. I only saw their tail ends, but they made a lot of noise leaving the area. We walked only 1.5 minutes(edited - miles), but it was very relaxing also.
I continue to be hungry for the wrong things. I melted some truffles in the microwave and dipped some pretzels in the melted chocolate so that I could have a chocolatey snack. Don't tell Dave what I did, as I didn't let him know that I did that.
1.5 minutes, huh? That is a pretty short walk....
Oops, I mean MILES.
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