Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lifestyle change - day 9

Well, I was up 1.5 pounds today. That is okay. See, I like to track my weight daily. It gives me a reminder to be careful with my food intake. My daughter has been encouraging me to track my intake with a website like Dave does. But I have tried that in the past. I have tried Weight Watchers and other things and I have noticed that as soon as I impose a number or a limit on myself I want to rebell. I am not sure why this is. It is funny, if I start thinking that I am hungry for a donut and then tell myself, no you can't have it, it isn't on your diet, then I really, really want the donut and like a little child I will whatever I can to get that donut. But, if I say, okay, you can have the donut, but wait a minute, wait an hour, wait until later today, etc, then usually I don't want the donut. Strange, but true. Or I will say to myself (not out loud, that would be crazy, right?) "is there anything else that you would rather have or have instead since you don't have any donuts right here?" " Why yes, I would rather have a piece of toast with cinnamon on it. " Wow, that actually sounds good. I think I will go have some right now.

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