Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I want to write like Brett or Dave. I want to be articulate and witty. I try to talk and gibberish comes out. How can I write if I can't even talk?

Well, I am going to give it a little try.

Married couple conversation while watching Wife Swap:

Woman: Oh my gosh, look at those lips. She has had collagen treatments and they are horrible.

Man: What are you talking about? Oh, yeah, they look like a duckbill.

Woman: Domestic goddess....ugh, look she is cutting her husband's toenails. Do you want me to do that to you?

Man: I don't trust anyone to cut my toenails.

Woman: I would be a domestic goddess if my husband bought me a washer and dryer like that. No, not really. I am not a fancy person.

Man: Yeah, well you aren't getting a washer and dryer like that anyway.

Okay, that is all I can remember. That is the other problem....I can't remember details of conversations. I only remember the impression the conversation gave me. Whether it was a harmonious, sad, or contentious. My mind likes to remember images or designs, and I am most comfortable dealing with feelings about things. I could never win a debate, because I cannot articulate my thoughts about why I like a certain politician or debatable topic.

Oh, well, I will keep trying.


Brett said...

Hey, if your mind doesn't work that way, don't sweat it.

I haven't heard you talk or write gibberish... that's just silliness. You always seem able to convey what you are thinking with succinctness. Heck, I can usually grasp what you mean even when you are not saying it exactly. Your tone and inflection in speech is very expressive.

So you file situations differently in your head, mostly like colors and brush strokes. A drawing you might do may be more impressionistic than literal. You absorb more emotion than silly detail, and there is nothing wrong with that. You are able to understand the core of a situation.

Whatever you say, don't de-value yourself by saying you are not articulate. I've never known you to be anything but an intelligent woman with a great deal of wisdom.

Engineers are not known for their poetry and yet they get by somehow ;) Take it easy. You are gifted.

Deborah Ruthenberg said...

Thanks Brett, that helps.