Monday, June 19, 2006


Well, we went to the Home Depot and bought some paint. Remember, I am new at this....probably picked ugly colors. But, we bought three gallons of "sienna buff" for the living room. One gallon each for the bedrooms, New Hunter (green -Dave's office/guest room), Quiet Moment (my office - blueish color), and Serene (light blue - master bedroom). We bought three rollers and three pans. We have two paint brushes. Mindy had me buy five drop cloths at the dollar store. Bought a roll of painters tape. Probably need more. We will see. I will try to get the rooms taped this week. Plus I got a gallon of gloss Swiss Coffee (cream colored) paint for the bedroom baseboards and moldimg around the windows/doors. I will see if I can get those done before Sunday when the kids are coming over to help paint.

The cable TV will be set up Friday morning. The DSL will be set up by the 27th.

I am getting excited...the move in date will be coming shortly.


Mindy Richmond said...

I have a paint roller extension handle and I will bring that plus whatever leftover supplies I have. Just a tip: you can never have too many paint rollers. They are a pain to clean out so I like to just use new ones each time. I'll see if we have any left.

I can't wait to see how it looks with new paint and all your furniture moved in!

Deborah Ruthenberg said...

I will see if I can get some cheap ones from the dollar store also. The painting party should be fun. We will have pop and water and probably order pizza.

Kari said...

those colors sound really nice to me.
can't wait til sunday!