Thursday, August 11, 2011

ruthenberg status update 8/11/11

I haven't blogged in a long time. Not much to say. I mostly was working, spending time with my dad, spending more time with my Dave, missing my children and grandchildren back in Michigan, and relaxing.

Then Dave and I got the idea that we needed a bigger house so that if and when our families from Michigan come to visit, there is room for them to stay.

We found a lovely house to rent and decided to move. So for two weeks or so we boxed up all our "stuff" and on August 8 we had the movers come. Just before that I had been having increasing pain and numbness in my back, hips, legs, and feet. So I went to the doctor, had an x-ray and a MRI of my back. Apparently I have bulging discs in my lumbar spine. Well the move didn't help - in fact it made it worse. But I am waiting to get an appointment at a Pain Clinic here in Enid.

On Monday, after all our stuff was moved to the new location - a storm blew through. 96 mph winds. Knocked down a lot of electrical poles. So we didn't have any power until the next afternoon. It must have been hilarious (to others if they were watching) to see Dave and I dig through all the boxes to find the candles and flashlights, all the while getting irritated with each other because we were hot, tired, sweaty, and uncomfortable.

Then I realized that my dad might not have power. So at 9 p.m. I made Dave drive me through the storm ravaged roads to get to Golden Oaks to check on him. Because of Dave's expert driving we were able to navigate around downed poles and through the back entrance of Golden Oaks. There were generators running. People in the hallways. One entrance was closed off because of the downed lines. I went to Dad's apartment and he was in bed and pretty comfortable. He still had air conditioning because of the generators, so he didn't want to come back to our house. I got him caught up on what happened and made plans to go get him the next day. He had a doctor's appointment to go to.

Golden Oaks had some windows blown out by the storm in the atrium where they have the main dining room. They weren't sure when they would get the electricity restored.

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