I know that I am out of shape. I don't want people trying to be encouraging. I know that my loved ones will love me even if I am out of shape. I am the only one who can make me feel better and for some reason I haven't found the motivation that I need.
You would think that I would want to exercise more so that I wouldn't hurt so bad when I try to do things. I think the problem stems from the fact that I am addicted to my job and the computer. Both of those are not conducive to moving around and exercising. I mean if I had a job where I had to move to actually perform the job, that would be better for me, I guess.
My latest problem with aches and pains stems from two things. A football game and cleaning the cars. Yesterday I walked down to the field at Eastern Michigan from the press box. Now, this should be easy, but for me who is top heavy and out of shape, it is scary. There are no handrails, so I feel like I am going to go head first down the steps. Plus the fact that my left knee hurts, so I have to go down the steps kind of sideways so that my left knee doesn't give out. Well, that made my right thigh cramp up when I finally was on the field. Today it just feels like a deep bruise. But I must of used other muscles also because I was very achy.
But then today I really wanted to get to my projects that I have planned. Cleaning the cars has been on my list for awhile. Not the outside - Dave can take the cars to the car wash for that, but the inside, vacuum and dust. The cars weren't as bad as I thought they were, but it took a lot of bending and pulling and stuff. Plus the garage had to be cleaned up a little so that I could clean the Santa Fe. I did get them all done. But boy, am I beat.
More projects to come:
Clean windows, especially the front windows.
Sweep garage, take cushions to basement, take golf clubs to basement also.
Plant tulip bulbs and clean up yard. Possibly trim bushes one more time.
Clean and organize office closet.
Organize kitchen closet.
I will keep you all posted on how this all goes.
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