Sunday, January 29, 2006


Note: I waited to send this. Still not sure if I should post this. Don't want to sound sillier than I am. Oh, well. I guess I will.

"When your guide (spirit) draws close to you, you will know because you feel a welling -up of love. You will want to share this with others. When you feel these waves of love, a sense of wellbeing and deep knowing often follows."

I really want to develop my psychic ability. Some people will laugh and humor me. That is okay. I know I might be crazy, but just in case I am not, I am going to document what I have done so far.

I have purchased books in the past, but I think I gave most of them away. I bought a book called "Are you Psychic?" by Dorothy Chitty. She has a no-nonsense way of talking about her experiences and some exercises for people to do to get in touch with their sensitivities and spirit guides.

She says that we can ask for anything of our spirit guides and we will receive it. (similar to praying to God) This morning I did one of the exercises and ask for something. I also asked for there signs that my request was heard. While watching TV today, there were three programs on Discovery Channel about psychic phenomenon. I will let you know if my request is answered.

She also says that we have to be atuned to coincidences and patterns. Sometimes, our guides are trying to tell us something or tell us something to share with others. For instance, I have woken up at 5:55 three times in a row. I am not sure what the significance of 555 is, but if this is significant to anyone, please let me know. My first thought is that Charley will be born on May 5 at 5:00 a.m. or p.m.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

free wi-fi

Wow, do I love free wi-fi. Dave and I just had a lovely time in Plymouth at Hermann's Olde Town Grille (why didn't they put an "e" at the end of Town also?). We had found out that we can get a $5 pepperoni pizza on Sunday night. There are multiple TVs mounted high on the walls and some projection screen TVs. Most are tuned to the sports event of the evening. Lots of noise and testosterone tonight. There is a no smoking section, but I still have to wear clothing that I can wash easily and I probably should be using my inhaler before I enter the establishment. The service is usually good and friendly. AND they have free wi-fi. So tonight we took my laptop so Dave would be able to finish his articles and post them on our website. It was fun...

Saturday, January 21, 2006

new website layout and look

Someone helped us get a new look for the MAC Report Online.

Dave increased the font size and I think it doesn't look as professional. (We go to the eye doctor next Saturday and I think that Dave will agree with me when he gets contact lenses or glasses)

Please check out these two webpages and let me know which you like best.



Greatly appreciate the comments on this. By the way, I like #2.

Friday, January 20, 2006

TV shows with background music too loud

I guess I am getting old. We are enjoying watching Discovery Health's Dr. G, Medical Examiner. But the background music is so loud and annoying that I am trying to get Dave to turn the closed captioning on and turn down the sound. I wrote to viewer relations at and maybe they will listen to my complaint. I will let you know.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

big brother watching

Dave and I often email each other during the day so that we can keep in touch. Important things like, where did Dave put the wet bathroom rug from the night before that caught the leak from the apartment above's shower, or when will he be home, or what does he need from the store. Today I emailed him to ask him why he forget the lunch that I had made for him the night before. He emailed me back to say that it was because he was a forgetful moron, damn, damn, damn. I emailed back to say that he shouldn't be so hard on himself. Well, after I sent that email I received an email from DTE energy security, saying that the email that I was attempting to send had violated their email policy, it would not be delivered and I should contact the recipient. The problem is that I wasn't sure it was the email that I had sent to Dave. Although, what else could it be? So I called Dave. Nope, he hadn't received my last email. So I sent the email again, but I put **** instead of HARD, so the message read: Don't be so **** on yourself. Yep, the email went through. I sent the email again: Don't be so hard on yourself. Nope, the email was rejected. DTE's email policy denies any email with the words "hard on" in them. Geesh.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

American Idol

Dave loves to watch the first night of the American Idol. He is making me watch it because he said, "You need to laugh." Oh, my gosh, I cannot believe the people on that show. Why do people want to be famous? It is hard work. 10,000 people showed up in Chicago thinking that they would be able to sing acapella in front of Simon, Paula, and Randy. They are all idiots. But I am laughing a little.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

Two days until I turn 54.

Rockford 1970 Class Reunion

This is the picture from the 35 year 1970 Rockford High School class reunion. What a bunch of old people. :)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Sometimes life goes your way and surprises you.

I am so excited. It is just a little thing, but it really made my day. Dave and I have a website, if I haven't mentioned it before (hehehe) * * and we have been paying 9.95 a month for the website. We had 200 mb of data storage and 5 gb of bandwidth for transfering data. Well, with all the pictures and movies and stuff that we want to put on the website, I wanted to find a better solution for the same or less money a month. I tried one web hosting company, but they didn't support the Gallery program that we use for the photo album. So I found another one that was awesome. 10 gb of data storage and 250 gb for transferring files for 7.95 a month. And they handled the Gallery. I transferred all our files to that site, and then I was notified by the old web hosting service that I was over the 5 gb file transfer. I decided that I had better hurry up and transfer the domain name to the new service, so I called the CyberMind, the old service. The young girl answering the phone couldn't find my account. I was irritated with her, as we have been with them for a year and a half and I know I talked to her this summer. Plus they charge our bank account monthly. I told her that I was in the process of ending my account with them because I found a better deal. So I asked to speak to the technician or the owner. The technician called back and he remembered me and actually found my account on their system. He said that I was a good customer and he didn't want to lose me, so he said he would talk to Tim, the owner, and see if they could make me a deal. Tim called back and said that they fixed the transfer quota for this month and that he would match the deal that I had with BlueHost, so would I please stay with them. Of course, I said yes. I was flabbergasted. The plan that I have now with them is not one that is advertized on their website. This is so cool. Now I don't have to transfer my files and get things set up on the website and I have a much better plan for less money. I canceled the other plan and they were very nice about it. I would recommend them to others who want to host a website.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

mall etiquette

New book I am writing. Mall Etiquette.
  • When you walk in the mall, please walk at an even pace. Whether slow or fast, at least be consistent.
  • Stay to the right of the hallway, not on the left.
  • If you have to bring your whole darn family or all your friends, walk two abreast. Do not try to all walk side by side.
  • If you have to cross to the other side to get to a certain store, then cross quickly.
  • Know where you are going, don't meander aimlessly, stopping and starting intermittently.
  • Please shower before coming to the mall.
  • Keep children with you at your side or behind you.
  • If you have a screaming, kicking, crying child, please remove the child from the mall.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Saturday afternoon

Sometimes it is hard to find things to write about. I guess that is why I haven't written a book yet. Right now I have finished putting a splash guard on the bathtub, painted my nails (but I really need to have a manicure), fixed the zipper on a pair of shorts (getting ready for summer). I found a zipper repair kit at Joann's Fabrics. I fixed the zipper on a coat earlier. It is pretty cool.

Dave is driving me nuts with his diet. I am suppose to be losing weight also. He does so well at documenting everything he eats and then he does 30 minutes on the treadmill. I am just trying to eat small portions, no sugar, and no diet pop or regular pop. I do about 5-10 minutes on the treadmill. I hate the treadmill. The first day I had problems with some nerves that were being pressed in my back so that my butt, back of my leg and bottom of my foot were numb. Dave has lost 4 pounds and I have lost two.

Right now Dave is on the treadmill, listening to the Eastern Michigan basketball game. I just did a few floor exercises and will try to a little on the treadmill when he gets off.

I think we are going to go to a movie tonight, since we can't go out to eat (diet). But I will want popcorn and a drink. Maybe that will be my dinner.

I am looking forward to seeing all you "kids" next weekend.

Monday, January 02, 2006

mumble, mumble, blather, blather

Well, I am just about footballed out. If I don't have a vested interested in the game, it is hard for me to watch it on TV.

We had a good, quiet New Years. Not sure what the new year will hold, but I am hoping that Dave is able to get a job in the sports writing field or our website take off and get going making enough money to either break even or even make a decent income. Maybe have the internet radio program become syndicated. That would be awesome.

I am still having some health problems. I am suppose to be using Advair twice a day, but I think that I have developed a yeast infection in my mouth from it. So I haven't been using it. My cough and breathing seem to be okay. Not perfect, bu okay. I am done with the Prednisone for now, which I am glad for because I was getting that puffy look in the face that comes with taking steroids. But I have tenderness in the region of my adam's apple and my ears feel like there might be slight inflammation in them.

Trying to grow my hair sort of long - but with my fat (steroid induced) face, it is not looking good.

Dave and I went to the grocery store today together. He wants to get back on the diet where he lost so much weight. I will also try to follow his diet, also. I am going to keep drinking more water (bottled, because I hate tap water). I am going to exercise with Dave. And I am going to try to meditate.

I am sorry that I didn't call anyone for New Years. I hope everyone had a wonder full weekend.