Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Dave's first internet radio program

Check out and the MAC Report. Dave and Al Fellhauer (McDonald's mogul) are hosting a new show. I know most of you do not enjoy sports talk shows, but this is your "dad", so check it out if you can. It is live on Wednesday nite at 6:05 p.m., but can be listened to later if you miss it.

Next week it will be even better.

Coming soon to this blog is 1) the why and how of owning (and giving up) the parakeets 2) what we learn from our children 3) reflections of seeing a child at play at the grocery store


Mindy Richmond said...

What would be even better than that is 1) the why and how of owning (and giving up) our children 2) what we learn from our parakeets and 3) reflections of seeing a parakeet play at the grocery store


Deborah Ruthenberg said...

Mindy, please, I hope you are just joking....I have never given up my children. If you are not joking we need to talk.

Mindy Richmond said...

Oh, I was totally joking. That did sound kind of bad, didn't it? Not my intention of course. I just thought it would be fun to interchange children with parakeets :)

Have I reminded you that you're the best mother I could have asked for? It's true.