Friday, August 12, 2016

The search for 'victims' of Daniel Holtzclaw - witch hunt?

From one complaint and after one interrogation, the detectives of OCPD determined #Holtzclaw was a serial rapist and set out to find more victims.  Here is how they searched for the so-called 'victims'.

Get the full story at

If you believe Daniel Holtzclaw is innocent and deserves an appeal, please donate at

Thanks for supporting him.

Deb Ruthenberg

The search for 'victims' of Daniel Holtzclaw - witch hunt?

From one complaint and after one interrogation, the detectives of OCPD determined #Holtzclaw was a serial rapist and set out to find more victims.  Here is how they searched for the so-called 'victims'.

If you believe Daniel Holtzclaw is innocent and deserves an appeal, please donate at

Thanks for supporting him.

Deb Ruthenberg

Skin DNA Gieger Lied - Daniel Holtzclaw is innocent

This prosecutor lied.  He lied before, during and after trial.  Now Daniel Holtzclaw is in prison for 263 years.  This is an injustice.

Please donate to his appeal at

Thank you very much.